Saturday, April 17, 2010

Neat Freak

Though my house may not always look it, I am obsessed with organizing things.  I recently had this epiphany that most of my hobbies involve some organizational aspect to it.

- Couponing: Yes, I get a thrill out of organizing my coupons in my binder...weird, I know.
- Scrapbooking: Categorizing and labeling pictures makes me feel like those past events in my life are neatly organized and complete.  I also have a binder for all my supplies, borders, and stickers.
- Recipes: Though I may not be able to cook it, the recipe is neatly written out on a 4x6 card and organized categorically in my recipe binder.

Uh, I think I may also have an obsession with binders.

Organizing Your WayAll that said, I came across Organizing Your Way, a blog that simply feeds into my newly realized obsession.  It's very motivating and even has a section where you can print off to-do lists, menu plans, calendars, stuff like that.  It's so helpful!  Check it out here...even if you aren't as weird as I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From one organizer to another, I thank you for that link to the website, haha.


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