Wednesday, September 29, 2010

(Un)classy Cook

For the past 30 hours I have been husbandless and childless.  My dear husband and daughter are visiting his parents, and giving me a glorious break!  More to come about that...

This post is for those skeptical that a stay-at-home mom needs an occasional break.  I present to you what I like to call "What Happens Everyday at 5:15pm". 

Yum!  Looks good...pan fried shrimp.  No, that is not red wine.  Just Welch's grape juice.  Sometimes I wish I could be that classy cook that stirs with one hand and delicately sips from the wine glass in her other hand.  Lots of problems with that scenario.  One, I don't like red wine.  Two, my body can only handle about two sips of red wine.  Then it turns bright red and falls asleep, which is not good for cooking.  So, Welch's it is for this cook.

I digress...Everything is looking good and smells great.  Oh wait, why does my leg feel 20 lbs. heavier?  What is that tugging I feel at the end of my apron?  And what is that horrendous sound?

Oh yes, my 18-month-old in all her glory.

And now you see why I am relishing this break.

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